
One with the prime seasonsTOMINAGA

One with the prime seasons

In autumn, as the harvest in Japan draws to a close,
the far side of the world is in spring. Crops are just starting to bear fruit.
It’s like a relay of vegetable seasons between northern and southern hemispheres.
TOMINAGA puts farmers first, establishing trust with farming communities around the world to bring you deliciously fresh, nutrition-packed produce in abundance – all year round, from the prime of each season, in each climate.

One with the prime seasons

Farm – import – storage – processing – delivery.
TOMINAGA is right there, running every stage in the process.
Our integrated system makes for a single, smooth journey from farm to table.
Our integrated system restores the link between the farmers who raise the crops and consumers at home.
Knowing this has motivated us to perfect every stage in this process.

One with the prime seasons

Workers, businesses, farmers and the fields they cultivate – we all live by the seasons, each with its prime moment, its peak.
Throughout the cycle, from the first sprouts through maturing and ripening, each brings its own intelligence, growing and learning with gratitude.
At TOMINAGA, we cultivate lasting value for the world. We do this by placing all resources in the hands of the folks that make up our community, linking them throughout the very prime of each season into one.

TOMINAGA’s Ingenuity

Pay as much as possible

Cut costs with
our unique ingenuity

Sell as cheap as possible

Buy high, sell low.
TOMINAGA's ingenious ways to be one with the prime seasons
Sourcing with an eye to the world's seasons

We purchase fruits and vegetables from contracted farms in more than 40 countries and regions around the world to ensure that they are in season (when their flavor, nutrition, and quality are at their peak and they can be harvested in quantity).

Shipping at peak freshness through our unique systems

Our temperature-controlled shipping and quick delivery systems ensure that our freshly-picked fruits and vegetables are transported in the best possible condition. We can minimize losses during shipping.

Integrated in-house management during post-import processes as well

The processes following importation of fruit selection, boxing, ripening, packaging, and transportation, which most trading companies normally outsource, are all done by us in-house.

Appropriate pricing through a wide range of transactions

We provide products at appropriate prices for the season and demand through a wide range of wholesale markets and companies throughout Japan.

Initiatives for recycling without waste

We do not waste fruits or vegetables that do not meet our standards or are left over: they are recycled into compost for the next crop.

The revenue generated from these innovations allow us to return profits to our customers and optimize consumer prices.

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